Village Proposal Release of Funds Vote - March 21st - Pierce County Meeting

There are 3 very important votes happening soon by the Pierce County Council meeting on MARCH 21, 2023 at the 3pm.

The final Council hearing will be held in Room 1045, County-City Building, 930 Tacoma Ave S, in Tacoma.

Meetings are held in hybrid format with in-person and remote attendance:

To attend and/or comment remotely call 253-215-8782 and use Web ID 976-6178-7423,

Or use the Zoom link for this meeting:

MARCH 21 Proposals to be voted on:

Proposal NoR2022-163 - A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Authorizing Release of Funding for a Microhome Village Pro

Comment on Proposals here:

Proposal No. 2023-5 -  A proposal to change current zoning-density laws to allow the shared villages with conditional use permits in the Residential Resource zoned lands.

**THIS NEEDS TO PASS TO allow the village in Spanaway. 

 Comment on Proposals here:

Proposed Ordinance No. 2022-81s - An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Levying an Additional Sales and Use Tax of One-Tenth of One Percent for Housing and Related Services as Authorized by RCW 82.14.530; and Amending Pierce County Code Chapter 4.28, "Sales and Use Tax," and Section 4.48.020, "Special Revenue Fund

Comment on Proposals here:

***Please comment on the record with your concerns for this ordinance on the proposal link.

******We need attendance******

Despite what the Executive office has responded to you when reaching out to them, they do not have authority over funding this project. The County Council has to release the funds. There are many questions and concerns they have. PLEASE come in person and let your voices be heard! Please be respectful and articulate your concerns. You will be given 3 minutes to speak in-person or on zoom.


Please feel free to share the email and proposal with all Pierce County residents you know. 


As always thank you for you time,

Spanaway Concerned Citizens


It Doesn’t Matter


Friends of Pierce County in 2023