Two million + sq ft warehouse being proposed in Puyallup near the river on existing farmland

Two million square foot + warehouse being proposed in Puyallup near the river on existing farmland - 

Write in to City of Puyallup before March 15th asking for the No Action alternate!


The Applicant seeks to develop a warehouse complex of up to seven warehouses with up to 2.6 million square feet of building space on the approximately 188-acre Knutson Farms property located in unincorporated Pierce County, Washington within the City of Puyallup’s UGA and Potential Annexation Area. 

Friends of Pierce County strongly recommends that the City of Puyallup select the NO ACTION alternative in the DNS.  Our concerns from this project are listed below:

1)    State law requires protection of farmland and RCW.36.70A.177 seeks to protect lands of long term commercial significance by discouraging non ag activities on ag land. Pierce County strategic plan for agriculture policies on agriculture land reported in 2006 – “The most intense mix of agriculture and development is taking place in the Puyallup Valley where there has been a steady conversion of open land to development uses. 

2) The project is located in floodway mapped by the state and will add significant impervious surface.

3) The Puyallup River contains threatened salmon and this project can potentially impact water quality.

4) The project will generate over 5,000 vehicle trips a day.

5) Not in city limits but will most likely be added to Puyallup once project is constructed. This expansion of the UGA is not needed and would not help the city meet its growth and housing unit targets - which is usually why UGAs are expanded. It will only large warehouses. 

Project documents and presentations are available for your review.

Please send in your comments by March 15, 2024.

Puyallup City Staff Contact
Chris Beale (He/Him) | AICP
Senior Planner

Email: Send comments via email to

Mail: Written comments to:

Puyallup City Hall
Attn: Knutson Farms EIS comments
333 South Meridian
Puyallup, WA 98371

(Please reference Knutson Farms EIS in your comment. A printable comment form is available here.)

Voicemail: (253) 251-2959

The video of the meeting is available now on the website:
CityView permit portal:


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